A Complete Vocabulary List For Stationery In Japanese
Some English words can be understood by the Japanese as they use those English words as they are. But there are also many Japanese-English words that are unique to Japan. It makes things a bit complicated.
Here is a complete guide on “How to say the words related to stationery in Japanese”.
Stationery Vocabularies
I’ve colored in gray those words that can be understood by saying them as they are in English. So you should only memorize the words in white.
English | Japanese | Alphabet |
Adhesive | 接着剤 | secchakuzai |
ballpoint pen | ボールペン | bōrupen |
binder | バインダー | baindā |
blackboard / chalkboard | 黒板 | kokuban |
bookmark | しおり | shiori |
brush | 筆 | fude |
calculator | 電卓 | dentaku |
chalk | チョーク | chōku |
chalk eraser | 黒板消し | kokubankeshi |
clay dough | 粘土 | nendo |
clipboard | クリップボード | kurippubōdo |
colored pencil | 色鉛筆 | iroenpitsu |
compass | コンパス | konpasu |
correction pen | 修正ペン | shūsei pen |
correction tape | 修正テープ | shūsei tēpu |
crayon | クレヨン | kureyon |
diary | 日記 | nikki |
drawing paper | 画用紙 | gayōshi |
envelope | 封筒 | fūtō |
eraser / rubber | 消しゴム | keshigomu |
file | ファイル | fairu |
folding Paper | 折り紙 | origami |
fountain pen | 万年筆 | mannenhitsu |
glue | のり | nori |
greeting card | グリーティングカード | gurītingu kādo |
highlighter | 蛍光ペン | keikopen |
label | ラベル | raberu |
legal pad | リーガルパッド | rīgarupaddo |
loose-leaf paper | ルーズリーフ | rūzurīfu |
magnifying glass | 虫眼鏡 | mushimegane |
marker | マジックインキ | majikkuinki |
mechanial pencil / automatic pencil | シャーペン | shāpen |
mechanical pencil lead | シャーペンの芯 | shāpen-no-shin |
notebook | ノート、手帳 | nōto, techō |
notepad | ノートパッド | nōtopaddo |
paintbrush | 絵筆 | efude |
paints / colors | 絵の具 | enogu |
paper | 紙 | kami |
paper clip | クリップ | kurippu |
pencil | 鉛筆 | enpitsu |
pencil sharpener | 鉛筆削り | enpitsukezuri |
postcard | ハガキ | hagaki |
protractor | 分度器 | bundoki |
punch | パンチ | panchi |
pushpin | 押しピン | oshipin |
ring bound planner | システム手帳 | shisutemu techō |
rubber band / elastic band | 輪ゴム | wagomu |
ruler | ものさし | monosashi |
scissors | ハサミ | hasami |
scotch tape / adhesive tape | セロテープ | serotēpu |
seal | シール | shīru |
shredder | シュレッダー | shureddā |
staple | ホチキスの針 | hochikisu-no-hari |
stapler | ホチキス | hochikisu |
stationery | 文房具、文具 | bunbōgu, bungu |
sticky notes / post-it | 付箋 | fusen |
tape measure | 巻き尺 | makijyaku |
triangle | 三角定規 | sankaku jōgi |
utility knife / box cutter | カッターナイフ | kattānaifu |
whiteout / correction fluid | 修正液 | shūsei-eki |
writing implements | 筆記用具 | hikkiyōgu |
writing paper / letter paper | 便箋 | binsen |
Japanese stationery is inexpensive, high quality, and quite popular worldwide. So if you haven’t bought it yet, please give it a try, as it can be easily purchased online Amazon.com, etc.